Thursday, December 9, 2010


It's getting late and the crowd at KAMA is thinning out.  Tabitha and her new "friend" are still chatting at their table.  Lavelle and Newsome are still talking and...

Newsome:  Ha, ha, ha!  Girl you are hilarious!  You've got me on the jokes.  I don't want to cross you, you know how to rag on a fool!

Lavelle:  Hey, I wasn't brought up in a easy part of Cravencrest!  We used to have raggin' contest!  Full of yo' mama jokes and all that!  Either you were jokin' or fightin'!

Newsome:  An around the way girl huh?

Lavelle:  Something like that.  Well, it's been nice hanging with you Newsome.  I think I need to signal my girl and head out.

Newsome:  Curfew already?

Lavelle:  No Mr. Smartass!  We are actually having a girl's weekend.  So, we're headed back to our suite at the "W".

Newsome gets up from his seat and walks behind Lavelle.  He picks up her jacket from the back of her chair.  He holds it out for her to put on.  Lavelle sits there for a moment feeling flattered and surprised.

Lavelle:  Thank you Newsome.  Good luck with everything.

Newsome:  No, thank you Lavelle.  You're a class act.


Tasha is sitting in the waiting room at her mother's doctor's office waiting for her mom to come out of her appointment.  She is checking her FB page on her cell phone and reading all of her wall posts.

Tasha thinks:  I really wish Wesley would stop sending me these messages!  He made his choice!

Rose:  I swear if that phone is more attached to your hand than your fingers are!  Have mercy lord!

Tasha:  Hey mama.  How did it go?

Rose:  Well, I've got diabetes and my pressure is low.

Tasha:  See mama!  That's why I told you that going to those old country doctors wasn't a good idea!  It took us coming up here for them to properly diagnose you.

Rose:  Hush child.  I been known I had sugar.  I didn't know about my pressure though.  And anyway, Dr. Brooks is a good doctor.  They did the MRIs and everything.

Tasha:  First of all mama, they probably did those MRIs to get the extra insurance money. Second of all, what do you mean you knew you had sugar?  Why didn't you tell Arronette, Lavinia me or Corrine?

Rose:  'Cause y'all worry too much and Jesus said by his stripes I am healed!  I'm not trying to sit around and have y'all watching what I eat and what I do!  Now, the doctor done gave me these prescriptions and told me to come back in a week.  So, calm down and let's go get some food.

Tasha:  Oh, mama!  You're a trip!  But, I love you.

Rose:  Love you too baby.  Now, c'mon.


Lavelle and Tabitha are sitting in their hotel suite eating fruit and drinking wine.

Tabitha:  His name is Hunter.

Lavelle:  Hunter?  Girl, he looked light skinned but, is he White?

Tabitha:  Yes he was!  Girl I'm gonna be getting my swirl on!  Haaaaaay!

They high five.

Lavelle:  Well you definitely looked like you enjoyed yourself.

Tabitha:  So did you!

Lavelle:  You know what?  I can't lie, I did!  His name is Newsome and he is eloquent and centered and divorced.

Lavelle's phone rings.

Kendrick:  Hey when you comin' home?

Lavelle:  Monday.

Kendrick:  Monday!  My mama just dropped off the twins and I thought you were coming home.  What are we going to eat Velle?

Lavelle:  Go out or order take out.  I need a break Kendrick.  I told you I was leaving for the weekend, you didn't listen.  They're your children what you can and I'll see you Monday.

Kendrick:  Whatever, just be back Monday morning because I've got a board meeting at 10:30am and I need to prepare.

Lavelle:  I'll be there when I get there.

Lavelle hangs up the phone and there is a knock at the door.  Tabitha answers the door and there is a book of jokes with a note on top of it sitting on a platter.

Tabitha reads the note out loud:  "Guess I should have told you that I manage this hotel.  Anyway, have a joke or two on me.  Goodnight, Newsome"

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

There is Nothing Cookie Cutter About You...

Valencia: Go ahead and do it! I know all about how you were trying to extort money from Marlon and Ashlyn and how you and Gabrielle Silver have some sort of backdoor dealings with that record label. I will put your ass on display for the entire world to see!

Patrick is shocked that mild mannered Valencia has asserted herself in this way. He takes a deep breath and walks up within inches of her face.

Patrick: I do have feelings for you, you know.

Valencia: Patrick, you don’t feel. You hurt, you take, you use and repeat. I should have NEVER allowed you to use me as a pawn. So, go ahead and do what you have to do…and I’ll do the same.

Patrick: There was a spark between us at one time and I thought that you loved me.  You hurt, took, used and betrayed me! 

Valencia:  Patrick, the only reason I'm here is because Drexel received that letter from you.  You sent that letter because you wanted the inheritance from your grandmother.  You knew that I was pregnant and that we had been intimate.  You preyed on me and I foolishly allowed it! 

Valencia grabs her purse and walks away.  Patrick suddenly realizes that he has been more open with Valencia than anyone in his life.  He thinks that for the first time that he can be hurt by someone.

Patrick screams...

Patrick:  If you tell any of my business I swear I'll kill you!

The door opens and Justice walks in.

Justice: Oh my God bae…my momma told me you were…

Aletha:  Are you serious?  What are you doing here?

Justice gives Aletha an ice cold stare and turns toward Peyton.

Justice:  I'm here to check on Peyton and show her that I care.  Peyton, I just got back from Tunisia and my mom told me about your accident.  I rushed right over as soon as I heard...I'm so sorry.

Peyton:  Thank you Justice...that's very sweet.  I feel like the accident was just yesterday.  I don't feel like I've been in a coma for two weeks.  I'm doing good though.  How was Africa?

Aletha grows impatient and interrupts their conversation.

Aletha:  Peyton baby, I'm going to get something from Starbucks and return a few e-mails.  When I come back, i trust that you'll be gone Armistice.

Justice: That's Justice, Arnetha.

Petyon:  C'mon y'all!  I'm too tired for this mess!  I'll see you later baby, I was just getting ready to tell Justice that my last name is changing.

Feeling validated, Aletha smiles at Peyton and walks out of the room.

Lavelle and Tabitha are at KAMA for Sushi and Sake Saturdays.

Tabitha:  Girl!  I can't believe I got you out the house!  Lawd Jesus in the mornin'!

Lavelle:  You are a hot mess!  I'm glad I came.  I needed this.

Tabitha:  I see what I need standing over at the bar!  Damn!  Where did he get all that fine from?

Lavelle:  "He get it from his momma!"

Tabitha:  See uh, uh, what you're not going to do is be gettin' drunk and quoting rap songs!

Lavelle:  Drunk?  Me?  No.  I just know how to have a great time!  I'll prove it.

Lavelle gets up from the table and walks toward the bar.  Tabitha is whispering "come back"!

Lavell:  Excuse me sir, my companion and I couldn't help but, to notice how handsome you are.  How are you this evening?

Newsome:  I'm well and you?

Lavelle:  I'm fine.  I just had to come over and introduce myself.  I'm Lavelle.

Newsome:  I'm Newsome.  Have a seat, let me buy you a drink.

Lavelle:  Well, I left my girl over there...

Newsome:  Looks like she's got company.

Lavelle looks back at Tabitha.  She is sitting talking to a guy.

Lavelle:  Well, looks like you're right.  I'll have a pineapple and vodka thanks.

Newsome:  So, let me guess, stressed out wife and mom comes out with her girl for some fun on the town...right?

Lavelle:  Damn!  You're good!

She looks down and smiles swirling the ice in her drink.

Newsome:  You're  wearing your wedding ring.

Lavelle:  So I am.  Yes, I am a mother of twins, I operate a home based business and I'm a wife.  So, yeah, I needed a little air tonight.  What about you?

Newsome:  I'm here celebrating my divorce.

He lets out a long sigh.

Newsome:  Sixteen long years...done.

Lavelle:  Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Newsome:  Don't be.  She neglected me and our marriage fell apart.  We tried to repair it but, it was too far gone.  We're both happier now, I guess.

Lavelle:  You guess? 

Newsome:  No, actually I'm sure.  She's a good woman and mother.  She's just not the one for me.  I need a woman that will allow me to take care of her and be willing to reciprocate.  Here I am getting all heavy.  Let's lighten the mood.  Let's talk about you.  Tell me everything.

Lavelle:  Well, I own an event planning business called Save the Wait and I'm a stay a home mom that juggles everything that comes along with that.  My husband and I have been married for 12 years and we have both lived here all our lives.  Guess I'm a cookie cutter, all American girl.

Newsome:  If you don't mind me saying, there is nothing cookie cutter about you.

Lavelle blushes.

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trying Times...

Tabitha gives Lavelle a call...

Lavelle: Hey girl what’s going on?

Tabitha: Nothing, on my way to the grocery store. Just thought I’d call to see what you were up to.

Lavelle: I’m sitting here watching Love Jones and folding these clothes.

Tabitha: You want to meet me at KAMA for sushi and sake later?

Lavelle: As much as I’d love to, Kendrick is out with his boys and I’m here with Camden and Cadence. By the time he gets back home, I won’t have the energy to do anything.

Tabitha: How are my god-babies? When are y’all coming to see me? They’re never going to know what their G-Mommy’s house looks like!

Lavelle: They’re fine! Camden had soccer practice this morning and Cadence had her piano lesson. They’re both in their rooms doing whatever it is that 10 year olds do.

Tabitha: So, Velle?

Lavelle: What?

Tabitha: When are you going to start living YOUR life? I hear you taking the twins here, coordinating parties there, taking care of Kendrick’s dry cleaning and redecorating for the holidays…but, I don’t hear anything about you do something for Lavelle!

Lavelle: You’re right and trust me it’s been heavy on my mind lately. I’m just in a rut and I don’t know how to get out.

Tabitha: You can start by calling the twins’ grandmamma and coming out with me tonight.

Lavelle: You know what? You’re right. Let me get things together and I’ll call you back.

Tabitha: Don’t stand me up!

Lavelle: I won’t…let me call you back.

Marlon and Ashlyn are in the car...

Marlon: I’ll fix it but…

Ashlyn: But, what Marlon?

Marlon: I don’t want this to be a shadow on our marriage. I don’t want to talk about it all the time or ever for that matter. Can you just trust that I will do the right thing and rectify this situation?

Ashlyn: I trust you and I know that you love me and you won’t do anything to hurt me. Please handle this Marlon. It’s really too much on me.

Ashlyn turns her head towards the window. She begins to sniffle as tears stream down her face.

Marlon: Are you crying? What’s wrong baby? I said I would take care of it. You’ve got to believe that I want to rid us of any drama or confusion. We have a peaceful relationship and I plan to keep it that way. Ash baby, Ash!

Ashlyn: I’m pregnant Marlon!


Avalon just found Jessie's antibiotics...
Jessie: I’m okay, uh, I just had an infection from when I cut my finger at the bakery.

Avalon: Doxycycline? I’ve never heard of this.

Jessie: Oh, you’ve heard of every antibiotic there is?

Avalon: Uh, no smartass! But, there are certain antibiotics that are common like penicillin and amoxicillin. Wait “Do not have sexual intercourse until all doses have been taken.” Jessie what the hell is this about? Do you have a STD?

Jessie: Naw girl! Come on now.

Avalon: Don’t try to play me for a fool! I know there would not be a warning on a bottle like this unless some sexually transmitted disease was involved. Tell me the truth now!


Valencia: Patrick I hope that you understand that I made a mistake. I appreciate you being so kind to Isis and me but, she’s not your child.

Patrick: If you try to leave, I will call child protective services and tell them that you are unfit.

Valencia: Why would you do that? Why are you trying to hurt me?

Patrick: You know I need to have a child in order to secure the money from my grandmother! Why are YOU trying to hurt me?

Valencia:  Go ahead and do it!  I know all about how you were trying to extort money from Marlon and Ashlyn and how you and Gabrielle Silver have some sort of backdoor dealings with that record label.  I will put your ass on display for the entire world to see!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Get it Together!

Marlon and Ashlyn are putting their bags in the car. They’ve just returned from their honeymoon and they are exhausted.

Ashlyn: I don’t think I have ever been this tired in my life.

Marlon: Not even in school? I know those all nighters used to kill me! You wanna drive?

Ashlyn: Boy! Didn’t I just say I was dog tired? No I don’t want to drive!

Marlon: Okay, okay…you can’t knock me for asking. I want to thank you for something.

Ashlyn: Thank me?

Marlon: yeah for not bringing up the whole Patrick and Gabrielle thing during our honeymoon. I realize that, that whole situation is just so convoluted and I…

Ashlyn: Let me stop you right there. It concerned me when you snuck out to speak to Patrick on the phone. And, it concerned me when that bitch showed up asking for money. BUT…I decided I wasn’t going to allow them to ruin my special day OR my honeymoon for that matter.

Marlon: I understand baby and…

Ashlyn: Hold on! I’m not finished. You need to make it your top #1 priority to handle that old business. I am your wife and I will not be disrespected or violated. I love you, but I love me more. So, get it together!


Avalon answers the door in a halter top and shorts.

Jessie: Wow! You look great!

Avalon: Uh huh.

Jessie: Listen, don’t act like that. Im here to make things better not worse.

Avalon: So, what’s going on with your Facebook page? One of your women got mad.

Jessie thinks: Damn! She’s intuitive as hell!

Jessie: Uh, naw…just got hacked. Some people told me they got crazy ass e-mails from me too. So…

Avalon: Dang and here I am acting all crazy. That still doesn’t explain why you don’t want to have sex with me Jessie!

Jessie: I do baby, I do. I just want it to be romantic and special. You deserve that.

Avalon: I do huh?

Jessie kisses Avalon and caresses her face. She pulls his body on top of hers and wraps her legs around him. Just then, a bottle falls out of Jessie’s pocket and rattles to the ground.

Avalon: What is that? A pill bottle? You okay?

Jessie: Yeah girl, let’s pick-up where we left off.

Avalon: Nah wait. Antibiotics for what? What do you have?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Gabrielle and Wesley are having a telephone conversation…

Gabrielle: Wesley dear…have you checked your FB fan page and your YOUTUBE account? The buzz is ridiculous! I think you owe me a congratulatory dinner.

Wesley: You know, I’ve been thinking…I don’t owe you shit. This buzz that I’VE generated is based on my talents…not yours. So, fuck you Gabrielle!

Gabrielle: Are you saying that you want to terminate your contract? If that’s the case, you owe Silver the $50,000 signing bonus you received. BEFORE…not after you terminate.

Wesley: Hmmm…funny you should say that because there is not a word in my contract about that. You can’t hustle me Gabrielle. While you were busy trying to trap me…I was busy doing my research. Not only am I going to walk with my 50k bonus, I’m going with all my original recordings too. So…yeah, like I was saying…fuck you!


Avalon is in the break room at her job. She reaches into her purse and grabs her phone. She is disappointed that she hasn’t received any texts from Jessie. She logs on to her Facebook account…

Avalon thinks: Why do people always have to put 17 religious scriptures on their page? That is so annoying! You know you were tongue kissin’ some dude at the club last night!

She sees that Jessie has changed his relationship status to “single”. She immediately grabs her things and goes into a conference room.

She dials Jessie’s number…

Jessie: Uh, hey…can I call you back?

Avalon: Sure. Right after you tell me what the hell is going on?

Jessie: Nothing is going on.

Avalon: What are we in the 6th grade? You break up with me by changing your FB relationship status?

Jessie: What? No I didn’t!

Avalon: Explain how it changed Jessie! I know you were a little put off by me being so aggressive but, I had no idea you were this intimidated.

Jessie: First of all, I’m not intimidated. Second of all, I didn’t change my status on FB. I’m never on there anyway…you know that!

Avalon: Well, you need to get on there and see what this is all about then. You must have been hacked.

Jessie: Listen, I’ve got three very ornate cakes going out tomorrow. This is going to be a long day for me. One of the ladies called out sick and I’m pulling double duty. Let me come over tonight. I’ll cook us dinner and we’ll sort this out…

Avalon: Fine Jessie. 8:00pm…don’t be late.

Jessie ends the call with Avalon and calls Karla.

Karla: Why are you calling me?

Jessie: Why are you playing games? Stay off my damn FB page Karla! You are acting like I played you when you’re the one that game me Chlamydia! It’s OVER!

Karla: I know you don’t really mean that.

Jessie: I’ll let you know what I mean when I finish the antibiotics…goodbye!


Peyton: You’re telling me that I’ve been in a coma for a month?

Dr. Wattington: Yes, that’s right. However, it seems you’ve emerged unscathed. After we observe you for a while and run some tests, you should be free to go home in a couple of weeks. Right now…you need your rest. We’ll be checking back very soon.

Peyton realizes she is very tired. She is so afraid to close her eyes but, is forced to do so anyway. Just when she drifts off to sleep…

Aletha: Baby?! Baby?! Thank God you’re awake!

Tears are streaming down her face.

Peyton wakes up and smiles.

Peyton: ‘Letha! I, I…

Aletha hugs Peyton tightly and runs her fingers through her hair. Peyton tries to hug Aletha back but, is lacking strength.

Peyton: The nurse told me you come everyday to read and talk to me. Thank you so much ‘Letha. I guess you are serious about me after all huh?

Peyton smiles. Then, she realizes there is a large scar on the side of Aletha’s face.

Peyton: Oh, my God! What the hell happened?

Aletha: Nothing a few stitches and some plastic surgery couldn’t fix. I’m lucky to be alive…and so are you. We were in an accident you know.

Peyton: Yeah...I remember. So, the nurse called me Mrs. Hill.

Aletha: Well, I wanted you to have me with you at all times and I thought what better way to do that than by giving you my name.

Peyton: Well, thank you…I like that. So, when are we going to make it official?

Aletha gasps.

Aletha: Are you serious? You’ve been through a lot. We have plenty of time to talk about that.

Peyton: That’s just the thing…I realize that we don’t have a lot of time. I want whatever time I have on this Earth to be spent knowing that we are one…

The door opens and Justice walks in.

Justice: Oh my God bae…my momma told me you were…


Drexel and Valencia are at Waffle House. Baby Isis is in her carrier fast asleep.

Valencia: Excuse me Miss. May I have a coffee…black please?

Drexel: Should you be drinking black coffee while you’re breastfeeding?

Valencia: It’s not for me Drex…it’s for you. You still take it black right?

Drexel: Oh…yeah. Thanks.

Valencia: So, I know you want to get this over with. Let’s open the letter.

Valencia tears open the envelope and slowly removes the paper.

Valencia: Here…you read it. I can’t.

Drexel: Fine! Give it to me.

Drexel’s eyes well up with water. He places his hands over his mouth and stares at Isis.

Valencia: What! What is it? What does it say?

She snatches the paper from his hands.

Valencia: Congratulations Drexel…I told you that she was yours.

Drexel: I can’t believe I’ve missed so much already. I, I…think it’s time for you two to come back home.

Valencia: What about Patrick…I am married you know.

Drexel: That’s up to you how you handle that. I know I never stopped loving you. We have some issues to work out but, I know you should be with me. You and Isis are my family.

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Goes Around...

We resume this episode with Wesley after Tasha has ended their engagement...

Wesley: I don’t want her. I want you, please…

Tasha: Please stop Wesley. She’s a conniving, vindictive, scornful woman that will make your life hell as soon as you don’t do as she pleases. I wish you best of luck with that.

Tasha walks out the door. Wesley pulls out his phone and texts Gabrielle: Tasha found out, can you come over?

Gabrielle (texting): Good riddance! So, I guess you are serious about your career after all! Be there in a sec!

20 minutes later, Wesley is standing outside his apartment smoking a cigarette. Gabrielle pulls into a parking space.

Gabrielle: Why are you smoking? You should be drinking! This is a joyous day!

Wesley: Cut it out…you know I love her.

Gabrielle: Yeah but, you don’t love her more than you love the promise of a successful career…do you? OR do you want to go back to making $45K as a teacher?

Wesley: Listen, you won okay? I don’t want to talk about Peyton or this whole mess anymore. Just make sure you make my album blow.

Gabrielle walks up to Wesley, and grabs him by the crotch.

Gabrielle: You will listen to whatever I chose to say. You will screw me whenever I chose to screw and you will act like you like it or you will find yourself back in the classroom quicker than you can spell T-E-A-C-H.

She kisses him hard, bites his bottom lip and walks away.

Gabrielle: Ciao!

Avalon and Jessie have just admitted their love for each other...

Avalon: I think it's something in the car I need to show you.

Jessie: In the car? My car?

Avalon: Uh, yeah. That's the only car that belongs to either of us in the parking lot.

She winks and walks away toward the front door...

They stand against the car and share a deep passionate kiss. Avalon unbuttons her blouse and reaches for Jessie’s belt buckle.

Jessie: Av baby! Chill…you’re going to get us caught.

Avalon: That’s what makes it fun! Let’s be spontaneous. Why are you afraid?

Jessie: I’m not afraid, I just thought our first time making love would be romantic not raunchy in the back of my car!

Avalon placed his hand in her panties and said this is the epitome of romance…take me now…

Jessie yanks his hand back and gets in the driver’s seat.

Jessie: Let’s go.

Avalon: Are you serious? We just avowed that we loved each other and making love would be the icing on the cake. What is the real reason that you don't want to do this?


We venture into the lives of Peyton and Aletha ...

Aletha: Let me just look at you, I just want to touch you.


A car rams into Aletha’s side of the car. The car spins and hits a lamp post. Both women are face down in the air bags.

Peyton opens her eyes and looks around the room. She becomes startled when she realizes where she is. She sees a bouquet of yellow roses next to her bed with a red note attached. She opens the card and reads it aloud: “Peyton, I love you and I’m not going anywhere - Aletha.” She suddenly remembers the accident and sits straight up in the bed. She places her feet on the floor but, is too weak to stand. She hits the nurse’s button.

Nurse: Mrs. Hill?

Peyton: Uh, yes, I need help.

Nurse Baker opens the door. She is accompanied by a doctor.

Dr. Wattington: So, welcome back!

Peyton: Welcome back?

Nurse Baker: Yes honey, you’ve been in Acoma for the past three weeks. Just so you know…we called your wife, she comes to read to you and visit with you everyday.

We visit newborn baby Isis and her mother Valencia...

Isis falls asleep and Valencia kisses her and gently places her in the bassinet. She looks at the birth certificate form and reaches over to the night stand for a pen.

Valencia: Hmmm…Mother’s Full Name.

She writes: Valencia Leona Crixus

Valencia: Father’s Full Name…

She writes: Drexel Amir Coolidge

Three and a half weeks later…

Patrick: I need Isis’ birth certificate for her trust fund papers.

Valencia: Uh, it hasn’t come yet.

Patrick: Really? What is the hold up? Call them and see what’s going on.

Valencia: I’ll call when I put her down for a nap.

Ring, ring…

Valencia: Hello?

Drexel: Is this some kind of joke?

Valencia: What? Uh?

Drexel: Don’t you even think about denying it! You put me on this child’s birth certificate as the father? What is wrong with you?

Valencia: You are her father Drexel! I tried to tell you but, you would never give me a chance!

Drexel: Really? She’s mine? Okay, let’s do a paternity test.

Valencia: Fine…I’ll make an appointment.

Patrick was eavesdropping on Valencia’s call. He becomes enraged.

Patrick: What goes around comes around eh Val?

Valencia: I’m sorry Patrick, I…

Patrick: She is my child…and when the tests come back positive…I’m going to divorce you and take custody.

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Looks Like Another Love TKO

We begin today’s episode in the Master bedroom of Tasha and Wesley’s townhome. Tasha is meticulously going through the closet, chest of drawers and bathroom gathering all of her belongings.

Wesley: What’s going on?

Tasha: My mama needs me.

Wesley: I need you. You’re going to be my wife and I need you here.

Tasha: Wes, this isn’t going to work between us and I think you know why.

Wesley: I’m sorry about our fight. Ever since it happened I’ve been trying to show that I’m sorry and that I love you. I felt you pulling away from me, but, I had no idea that it was this serious.

Tasha walks up to Wesley, grabs his hand and places her engagement ring in it. She closes his hand creating a fist. She lowers her head and kisses his hand. As she walks past him she caresses his shoulder.

Wesley: Wait! Please don’t leave me, I love you…I really do.

Tasha stops on the staircase and looks back at Wesley.

Tasha: Wesley, tell me this and be truthful.

Wesley: Okay, you have my word.

Tasha: Were you sleeping with Gabrielle before you got your deal at Silver Records?

Wesley: Where is this coming from? I don’t understand. Is this about me and you or Gabrielle?

Tasha: All of the above, answer me.

Wesley looks down and sighs.

Tasha: Exactly. This is why we can’t be together. I put my complete trust in you. But, you’re just a man. I should never have let you become the central figure in my world. I knew that you wanted Gabrielle when we were in school together. I was too blind to realize that she would do anything to hurt me and you would do anything to have her.

Wesley: I…I’m sorry.

Tasha: What did you think? Did you think we were going to get married and live happily ever after? How could we with you working hand in hand with her? That stunt with the wedding planning made you both so damn transparent.

Tasha shakes her head and sighs.

Wesley: I do love you Tasha.

Tasha: Yeah, just not more than you love her. Just do me a favor, meet me tomorrow morning so that we can put the lease completely in your name. You can have all this shit in here because I don’t need any reminders of how big of a fool I’ve been.

Wesley: I don’t want her. I want you, please…

Tasha: Please stop Wesley. She’s a conniving, vindictive, scornful woman that will make your life hell as soon as you don’t do as she pleases. I wish you best of luck with that.

Tasha walks out the door. Wesley pulls out his phone and texts Gabrielle: Tasha found out, can you come over?


It’s Friday night. Avalon and Jessie are at “The Spot” having drinks and listening to the jazz band covering Floetry’s “Getting Late”. Jessie extends his hand to Avalon and the two stand up next to their table and begin to dance. Avalon places her arms around Jessie’s neck and caresses the back of his head. Jessie allows his forehead to gently rest upon Avalon’s forehead. He places his hand on the small of her back and gradually rests his palms on her swaying hips.

Avalon: I’m so glad that I’m here with you tonight. I feel like I’m floating on air.

Jessie responds to her by kissing her gently on her lips.

Jessie: You steal my breath every time you speak.

They realize the song is over and begin to sit down. Jessie pulls out her chair and walks over to his seat.

Avalon: You ready to go?

Jessie: No. Let’s stay a little longer. The band is really killin’ it tonight.

Avalon: Yeah, you’re right. They are on fire.

Jessie: I don’t know if it’s too soon but, I feel like I need to tell you something.

Avalon: Okay…what is it?

Jessie: I want to tell you that my heart stops beating when we’re away from each other. My stomach ties in knots when I see you walk through a room and I want to tell everyone I know how wonderful you are.

Avalon blushes and looks down at her bangles fumbling with them one by one.

Avalon: You’re too much. You know I am totally into you and our situation is a beautiful one. You’re a beautiful man.

Jessie: I love you

Avalon: Don’t just throw that out there. We don’t have to rush.

Jessie: Wow…I feel…embarrassed.

Avalon: No, I uh…I wasn’t trying to act as though I don’t love you too. I just don’t us to rush and ruin our good thing. I do love you…I do.

Jessie: Thank God! I wasn't sure but, I still had to tell you how I felt.

Avalon smiles and extends her hand. 

Avalon:  I think it's something in the car I need to show you.

Jessie:  In the car?  My car?

Avalon:  Uh, yeah.  That's the only car that belongs to either of us in the parking lot.

She winks and walks away toward the front door...

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


We resume this episode with Valenica.  She is in labor.

Drexel: Call that other negro that you’re with now. Congratulations! Mazel tov! Felicitaciones! La heim! I gotta go.

Valencia: Hello? Hello?

Patrick: Who are you calling?

Valencia: My mama.

Patrick: Okay, well come on. The car is ready. You okay?

Valencia: Yeah, I’m not feeling any contractions right now.

Patrick: Just breathe remember? In through your nose and out through your mouth. We’ll be there in a second.

Valencia: Oh God! I feel another one!


Aletha pulls out a shinny diamond encrusted band out of her purse. She hands it to Peyton.

Peyton: You and I both know we’re not ready for this. The fact that you would even assume that this is going to solve anything makes me wonder if we’ll be ready for it anytime soon. The ink isn’t even dry on your divorce papers for God’s sake.

Aletha: Where do we go from here then?

Peyton: To dinner.

They both walk into the garage and hop into Aletha’s car. They both sit in silence listening to the radio. Peyton begins to sing.

Aletha turns and watches Peyton in amazement.

Peyton: Keep your eyes on the road!

Aletha: I’m sorry it’s just that I didn’t even know that you could sing.

Peyton: Yeah, I dabble a little.

Aletha: I would say that’s more than a dabble, you’ve really got talent. Why do you hide it?

Peyton: When my parents died, I stopped singing. When I’m upset or need comfort it just comes out. I don’t know why.

Aletha: So, are you upset?

Peyton: I’m just confused. I feel like we’ve gone through so much and it hasn’t even been a year yet. What does that say about us? I have never cared about Black, White, Gay or Straight. I’ve always followed my heart and up until now, I was sure that, that was the right decision.

Aletha: Is this about being a lesbian or about me? Because you know I took a chance on us too Peyton. I’m basically supporting us financially and I’m trying to be there for you emotionally too.

Peyton: Listen Aletha, just because I make $16/hr doesn’t mean I’m not contributing. And anyway, that has nothing to do with what I was trying to say. What I’m saying is, is that I don’t know if this is what YOU really want. I didn’t take it slow with you so, I’m learning as I go and I just want to know if you’re in this because you want to be committed to a life with me.

Aletha: Why would I give you a ring if that wasn’t the case? I love you baby. I’m sorry about Mr. Phillip and about not telling you that Greg had herpes. I guess I’m not used to full disclosure…or monogamy for that matter. But, you make me want to be better.

Peyton: I love you too. I want this to work.

Aletha: It will.

Aletha looks at Peyton and caresses her face.

Peyton: Keep your eyes on the road!

Aletha: Let me just look at you, I just want to touch you.


A car rams into Aletha’s side of the car. The car spins and hits a lamp post. Both women are face down in the air bags.

Valencia is sitting up in the hospital bed nursing Isis. Patrick has gone home to pick up the car seat for the baby.

There is a knock at the door.

Valencia: Come in!

Nurse: Hi mom! Congratulations! I have the birth certificate information here for you to fill out. When you’re done, just press the button on your bed and we’ll come pick it up for you.

Valencia: Oh, okay…thank you.

Isis falls asleep and Valencia kisses her and gently places her in the bassinet. She looks at the birth certificate form and reaches over to the night stand for a pen.

Valencia: Hmmm…Mother’s Full Name.

She writes: Valencia Leona Crixus

Valencia: Father’s Full Name…

She writes: Drexel Amir Coolidge

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Congratulations! Mazel tov! Felicitaciones! La heim!

Tasha: Mama what did the doctor say?

Rose: Well, he said that he thinks that the severe headaches are due to stress. Since I’ve taken every medication and had two MRIs he is suggesting that I go on disability at work. He thinks that on the job stress could be the source of my headaches.

Tasha: Oh lord mama! How will you make it on disability pay? Can you make it on disability pay?

Rose: Well, I don’t have a choice I don’t believe. When I was raising you and your sisters, I made much less than I do now and it was five mouths to feed instead of just one. I think I can manage.

Tasha: Well, I was thinking that maybe I should come home and help you out. You know, just until your health improves.

Rose: What about Wesley? I’m surprised to hear you say that you’d leave him.

Tasha: Wesley is just not who I thought he was mom. The wedding is off.

Rose: The wedding is off! Lord have mercy! I just got Reverend Jacobs to agree to officiate and now it’s off?

Tasha: Look mama, I know you’re disappointed but, I just don’t feel he is the one for me. I don’t want to make a huge mistake and get married only to find out that I’m miserable.

Rose: All married people are miserable Tashanae! Now, what has gotten into you girl? What is going on?

Tasha: Mama, I talked to Gabrielle and she told me that the only reason Silver Records signed Wesley is because he was sleeping with her.

Rose: Gabrielle? Where do I remember that name from? I know! Is that the young lady you got into it with in your sorority house? It sho’ is her! How on Earth did you manage to take up with her again? You know she don’t mean you no well…why would you listen to what she has to say?

Tasha: I had a hunch and she confirmed it mama. I can’t stay with a man that isn’t true to me.

Rose: Well ain’t none of ‘em all that “true”. I think you should talk to Wesley. Now go on and call me back….I’m tired.

Tasha: I love you mama.

Rose: I love you Tashanae…talk to Wesley ya hear?

Tasha: Yes ma’am. You get some rest…ya hear? Bye, bye.

Valencia: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Patrick: What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you screaming and holding your stomach?

He gasped as he realized she’s in labor.

Patrick: Okay, okay, um, where is the bag? I’ve got the keys, I need to call Dr. Krantz and…

Valencia: Patrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrick! Let’s go noooooooooooooow! He, he, whooooooo, he, he, whoooooooooo!

Patrick: Okay Val, I’m going to pull the car in front. Don’t worry baby, everything is going to be okay.

Valencia rummages through her purse and pulls out her cell phone. She hastily dials a number.

Drexel: Hello?

Valencia: Drexel it’s me. Don’t hang up! Listen I’m sorry about everything. Please come to Carter General…the baby is coming!

Drexel: Call that other negro that you’re with now. Congratulations! Mazel tov! Felicitaciones! La heim! I gotta go.

Valencia: Hello? Hello?

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

To Dinner...

We resume this episode at Peyton and Aletha's house...

Aletha: Yeah, uh oh is right…who are you?

Justice: Who me? Oh, I’m just a friend of Peyton’s…a nobody.

Aletha: A nobody that calls my fiancé babycakes?

Peyton: No, he’s the same kind of nobody that your boss is.

Justice: Listen Cakes, I’ll catch you later. Think about what I said.

Justice kisses Peyton on the cheek and brushes by Aletha on his way out the door.

Justice: Uh, nice to meet you ma’am.

Aletha: Yeah, the pleasure was all yours.

Peyton: So, I’m your fiancé now? When did that happen?

Aletha: If you explain yourself out of this mess, it might happen right now.

Peyton: You know, you are so self righteous. Do you think that just because I haven’t been on you about that little tryst that you and your boss had; that I’m not hurt and annoyed by you?

Aletha: If you’re so hurt and annoyed why are you still here?

Peyton: I’m here because I love you. I’m here because both of us came into this relationship under the pretense that we wanted to be truly in love…not with just anyone but, with each other. And I’m here because I’m not a quitter.

Aletha: I, I’m sorry about Mr. Phillip. It was going on long before you and I and I just didn’t want to break it off. I didn’t know how he would react.

Peyton: What about me? First you know Greg had herpes, and you didn’t tell me. Then, I find out that you’re secretly screwing your boss? You have to understand how unscrupulous you look right now.

Aletha: First of all, I don’t have herpes, Greg does and that’s why I never told you. Second of all, I realize that I was wrong about Mr. Phillip but, I refuse to apologize on a loop. I said it more than once and I’m done.

Peyton: Okay, since we’re being so forthright, I did sleep with Justice, but, I don’t love him.

Aletha: You slept with that, that…teenager?

Peyton: He is no teenager, he’s a grown man…trust me. That isn’t the point, the point is that you’ve been so aloof, working long hours and making me feel insecure about your relationship with your boss. Justice has been here on those long, cold nights.

Aletha looks surprised.

Aletha: Okay…I deserve that. Can we just start over.

She pulls out a shinny diamond encrusted band out of her purse. She hands it to Peyton.

Peyton: You and I both know we’re not ready for this. The fact that you would even assume that this is going to solve anything makes me wonder if we’ll be ready for it anytime soon. The ink isn’t even dry on your divorce papers for God’s sake.

Aletha: Where do we go from here then?

Peyton: To dinner.

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Finger Up...

We resume this episode outside of Marlon and Ashlyn's wedding reception...

Patrick: Hello.

Marlon: You married Valencia? What is going on with you Patrick?

Ashlyn: No! What is going on with YOU MARLON!?!

Marlon holds one finger up and walks away from Ashlyn. He steps on a rock and winces. Ashlyn stomps her foot and sucks her teeth.  She walks away frustrated.

Patrick: I don’t know what you’re talking about Marlon. Shouldn’t you be enjoying your wedding day?

Marlon: Enjoying my wedding day? Are you serious Patrick? First I hear that you’ve married Valencia, then, you send Gabrielle to hit me up for some money! You’ve dropped to surprising new lows.

Patrick: What I do in my personal life doesn’t concern you. I didn’t send Gabrielle to do anything. I have turned over a new leaf in my life and I don’t even associate with her. So, I suggest you pay more attention to your wife than to me.

Marlon: Maybe you should pay more attention to yours, she looks like she’s going to drop that baby any day now.  Poor child that baby has no idea what it's up against.

Patrick: What do you mean she looks like? You saw her?

Marlon: Yes fool! How do you think I found out about you two? She was bragging to Ashlyn right after the ceremony.

Patrick: Listen Marlon. Good luck. I have to go.

Marlon: NO! What you have to do is tell that girl that you don’t love her. Don’t ruin her life Patrick. Hello? Hello!

Dial tone……

Ring, ring, ring…

Valencia: Hello.

Patrick: You went to their wedding after I asked you not to?

Valencia: Yes, I did. I wanted to wish them well. What are you spying on me?

Patrick: Valencia, you are pregnant with my child and you’re due any day now. You could at least be honest with me and tell me where you’re going so I know that the two of you are alright.

Valencia: I’m sorry. I just wanted everyone to know that you and I are together now and that we’re happy.

Patrick: So, you go to my ex-wife and ex-partner’s wedding? How do you think that made you look…going there without me? You looked foolish and childish.

Valencia: Okay fine. You’re right. Did Gabrielle say that they would pay her?

Patrick: No, but they will….they will.

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby Cakes...

It’s 7pm at Aletha and Peyton’s house. Peyton’s is boiling water for pasta. She starts chopping vegetables and tosses them into the saucepan which is full of tomato sauce. She has garlic bread in the oven and wine chilling in the freezer. When the phone rings, Peyton turns to answer it and burns her hand on the pot of boiling pasta.

Peyton: Oh God damn it!

She answers the phone.

Peyton: Uh, hello.

Aletha: Hey babe, it’s me. What’s the matter? You sound like you’re in pain.

Peyton: Oh, nothing. I just burned the hell out of my hand trying to fix dinner.

Aletha: About dinner…I…

Peyton: Let me guess…you have to work late. No, no…you have a dinner appointment…that’s right a dinner appointment. Which one is it?

Aletha: Actually, I wanted to tell you that I wanted to take you out tonight. You deserve a break after the grueling summer you’ve spent working at the zoo. You shouldn’t have to work with the animals all day only to come home and have to work like an animal too.

Peyton: Well, I feel stupid. I’m sorry, I’d love to go out with you. Let me finish things up and take a shower. I’ll be ready around 9ish. Is that okay?

Aletha: Yes angel..that’s fine. See you soon.

Peyton: See you later. Bye-bye!

Peyton drains the pasta and dumps it into the tomato sauce. She takes the bread out of the oven and wraps it in foil. She turns off the eyes on the stove and washes her hands in the sink. The warm water feels like one million needles pricking her freshly burned skin.

Peyton: Ow! Crap! Shit!

Justice: Hey, hey, what’s up with all these expletives?

Justice walks up behind Peyton and wraps his arms around her waist. She leans back into his embrace and fills her lungs with the heavy musk that is lingering in the air around him.

Peyton: Hey! Oh, It’s nothing, I burned my hand cooking. But…now that you’re awake, why don’t you take a to go plate and well…go.

Justice: Oh, it’s like that huh? Use me and abuse me! I see how you do.

Peyton: Shut up boy, I was just trying to send you off to Africa properly. Couldn’t have you going on that long trip carrying the burden off all that sexual tension now could I?

She smiles a coy and mischievous smile.

Justice: Seriously girl. I want you to reconsider this situation you’re in. I think we’d make a good pair.

Peyton: Seriously Justice, I think you had better grab this food and go! Go on now!

Justice: Alright, alright…promise you’ll think about it.

Peyton: I promise now go!

Aletha walks in the kitchen.

Aletha: You promise what? Who are you talking to?

Justice walks into the room, food and keys in hand.

Justice: Thanks for the food baby cakes I’ll… uh oh.

Aletha: Yeah, uh oh is right…who are you?

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is Going on With You Marlon?

We resume this episode at Marlon and Ashlyn's reception...

Marlon: Is this thing on? Hey everybody, I hope you’re having a good time. I just wanted to tell my beautiful bride, Ashlyn, that I love her and I’m so honored to be her husband. You are the air that I breathe baby.

Ashlyn begins to cry as she approaches the band stand. She takes the microphone.

Ashlyn: I love you too Patrick!

People in the crowd gasp. Ashlyn is initially surprised at their reaction then, she realizes what she has done and covers her mouth with her hands. Her eyes become large as they well up with tears. She is truly embarrassed. Marlon takes the microphone and says…

Marlon: Hey baby, I told you to only call me Patrick when we’re alone.

The crowd laughs as though they believe the incident was planned. Marlon hugs Ashlyn tight and whispers in her ear.

Marlon: What the hell was that?

Ashlyn: Valencia is Mrs. Patrick Crixus now and we were just talking about that before I came up here!

Marlon ends the hug and searches the crowd for Valencia. He speaks into the microphone…

Marlon: We want to thank you all for coming to share our special day with us. Please enjoy the food, drinks and music!

They both leave the bandstand and sit at the lovebird’s table. Their food has already been prepared for them. They sit down and start eating.

Ashlyn: I am really sorry you know. I just couldn’t believe she would do something so stupid!

Marlon: Yeah, she’s officially off of her rocker. But, don’t let their drama ruin our day.

Gabrielle approaches their table dressed in a floor length cream dress holding a gold box.

Gabrielle: Why hello you two. I just wanted to drop-in and bring you all a little something from Silver records. You know KAMA does all of our events and we simply couldn’t let the owner slash Executive Chef get married and not bring him and his new bride a gift! It’s a romance bundle complete with candles, scented oils, chocolates, a spa gift certificate and a copy of our newest artist, Wesley’s LP.

Marlon: That’s funny, I simply couldn’t have imagined our wedding day with you as a guest. Speak of the damn devil and the saints appear! So, are you here to spy with Valencia? Did Patrick send some henchmen to ruin our day?

Ashlyn: Baby remember what you JUST said? Gabrielle, thank you for the gift. Would you care to stay for a drink?

Gabrielle: Uh, no dear. I would however care for my 40% of your now combined estate. Was that not the deal Marlon?

Marlon gives Gabrielle a cold stare.

Ashlyn: Bitch please! I tried to be cordial but, you have 2.2 seconds to get the hell out of here or I will personally jump down your throat, tap dance on your tonsils and make it so they’ll have to give you a whistle to communicate!

Gabrielle: Such hostility isn’t good for your spirit Ashlyn. You all will be hearing from me.

Gabrielle picks up Marlon’s champagne, drinks the entire glass and slams it down on the table. She places her clutch under her arm and walks away.  Marlon walks towards the grassy space outside of the tent.  Ashlyn gets up and follows him.  He is fumbling with his phone and doesn't notice that she's trailing him.  Ashlyn stops short of going outside and comforting him.  She sits at a nearby table feigning a conversation with some guests.

Marlon's phone begins to dial someone.
Ring, ring, ring.

Patrick:  Hello.

Marlon:  You married Valencia?  What is going on with you Patrick?

Ashlyn:  No!  What is going on with YOU MARLON!?!

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Misty Blue

Hi Journal,

I know it's been a while since I've written in these pages and honestly, I've paid a heavy price for the absence.  My whole world has changed and I'm feeling like a different woman more and more everyday. I am becoming so carefree and bold. Just yesterday I saw an old friend at the grocery store and she didn't recognize me.  It seems as though even my face and skin have changed...

I really wanted to vent about Aletha.  I can't believe she would just blatently lie in front of her boss.  She tried to make it seem like they weren't fooling around but, I know the sex face when I see it. I've obviously been a fool to believe that she only wanted to be with me.  I just assumed that she was taking as big of an emotional risk as I was.  Maybe she's emotionally bankrupt.  It's been three weeks and she and I have still not talked about the situation that occured in her office that day.  I guess I just don't want to know what is really going on.  I've hinged all my hopes and desires on this relationship and if it fails, I just don't think I would make it.

I stopped by my homeboy's house and smoked a blunt with him.  It felt good to just get high and allow myself to feel nothing for a while.  He and I talked about school and what our future plans were.  He's going to Nigeria to work with the AIDS Elimination program. I told him I was proud of him and he started teasing me about being a Black vetrenarian and then...we kissed.  I didn't feel bad either.  I started taking off my clothes and I had sex with him like I had never been taught the meaning of modesty.  When it was over...I just put on my clothes and we started smoking again.  Misty Blue was playing on the radio and I couldn't help but think that, that's how my life is right now...misty blue.

Until next time...

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Love You Too Patrick!

We resume our episode at the wedding of Ashlyn and Marlon Jamison…

Ashlyn: Okay baby, I'll catch up in a minute! Wait girl…is that a ring on your finger? Are you engaged? Drexel is making it official! I see you Ms. Thang!

Valencia: Actually I’m married.

Ashlyn: What! Y’all are quick!

Valencia: Yeah, it’s Mrs. Crixus now.

Ashlyn: Are you serious Valencia? Mrs. Crixus?

Valencia: Yes, I’m serious. He’s the father of my child and he loves me.

Ashlyn: He loves you? No, he loves himself! What happened to Drexel?

Ashlyn looks around to see if anyone is listening to their conversation. She leans in closer and lowers her voice.

Valencia: Patrick sent a note of apology to our house addressed to me and Drexel read it. He told me to get out and I went to Patrick’s house. I had no where else to go. It turned out to be the best thing I could have done.

Ashlyn: You are looking for a world of heartache and trouble. I married him on a whim. You married him knowing who he is and what he is capable of. If he hurts you, you asked for it. How could you do this to Drexel?

Valencia: Don’t lecture me! You married his ex-lover; a man that was trying to extort you and leave you penny-less. For all you know, he could have married you to get to your money.

Ashlyn: You had better be thankful to God for being pregnant. Otherwise, I would slap the taste out of your mouth. Now if you’ll excuse me I have my husband and my guests to tend to.

Valencia: Listen, I didn’t come here to start any mess. I came to wish you well and I’ve done that. I don’t want there to be any bad blood between us.

Ashlyn: You’re right. I’m sorry, you can do what you want. Everyone deserves the right to be happy. Just be careful.

The music stops abruptly and there is the piercing noise of back feed from the microphone. Marlon is holding the microphone.

Marlon: Is this thing on? Hey everybody, I hope you’re having a good time. I just wanted to tell my beautiful bride Ashlyn that I love her and I’m so honored to be her husband. You are the air that I breathe baby.

Ashlyn begins to cry as she approaches the band stand. She takes the microphone.

Ashlyn: I love you too Patrick!

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

You Need a Manager

Tasha is sitting at a circular table covered with a fuchsia table cloth and a burnt orange taffeta overlay. The chair that she is sitting in is covered with a white chair cover and tied with a burnt orange sash with a large fuchsia peony blossom tucked in the folds of the bow. There is a large golden candelabra in the middle of the table with cd cases bearing the couples monogram at every place setting. The cutlery has an antique brass finish and each plate is clear glass with a golden rim. The soft candle light dances on top of the glass creating an illusion of a diamond sparkling in the light of the sun. The place cards are written on a thick parchment with the attendee’s names in calligraphy. Even the table number is prominently displayed on parchment in ornate calligraphy.

Tasha is very proud of herself. She pulled together every detail. She takes a moment to drink in the sight of what is to be her reception décor and turns toward the kitchen to ready the meal.

Wesley walks in the apartment and drops his briefcase at the door. He loosens his tie and throws his blazer across the banister of the stairs. He does this all while talking on the phone.

Wesley: I am not going to do that! Tell Gabrielle that I will do a showcase after our honeymoon and not a day before! This is not up for debate damn it!

He hangs up the phone and proceeds to walk to the kitchen. He pauses when he sees the spread in the living room. He is amazed at how beautiful it is. Tasha emerges from the kitchen.

Tasha: You hungry baby?

Wesley: Oh my God baby! This is beautiful. Is this what you planned for the reception?

Tasha: Yeah. Do you really like it? We can change it around if you don’t I mean…

Wesley: No, no my love. Keep it just the way it is. I can’t believe I’m marrying such a dynamic woman. Look at all this. And you’re feeding me too?

Tasha: Well, I’ve got to take care of my man. Now, let’s eat.

Wesley: Okay so, what’s this?

Tasha: This is called a summer salad with mixed greens, artichokes, olives, feta, red onions and cherry tomatoes. The dressing is balsamic vinaigrette.

Wesley puts his napkin in his lap and digs into the salad. The food tastes great and he is impressed.

Wesley: So, I talked to Gabrielle’s assistant today and told her that I can’t do the showcase until after the honeymoon.

Tasha: Good for you baby. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself. You know I’ve been thinking…you need a manager.

Wesley: Yeah, I have it in my contract that I can perform anywhere I choose whenever I choose but, I haven’t been booking anything because I can’t manage teaching summer school, wedding plans and booking shows.

Tasha: Well, that’s why you need a manager and I know just the person…me. I gave the community center my two week notice.

Wesley: You did what?

Tasha: I gave them my two week notice. I sensed that you needed me baby and we’d make a good team.

Wesley: Listen Tasha, when I need your help, I’ll ask for it. This is my career and I don’t need you trying to tie yourself to my rocket so you can blow up with me. You need your own thing. The last thing I need is you sabotaging my situation at Silver Records.

Tasha: Excuse me? Tie myself to your rocket? You had better deflate that big ass head of yours before I do it for you! Why are you afraid that I would jeopardize your relationship with Silver huh? Is it Silver you’re worried about or Gabrielle? Tell me now before we go any further with this whole marriage thing.

Wesley gets up and walks up the stairs to their bedroom. Tasha follows behind him.

Tasha: I said tell me Wesley!

Wesley: Get out of my face Tasha.

Tasha: No! What are you going to do huh? I’m all in your face! Now what? Answer me!

Wesley: I said get out of my face! Just leave me alone!

Tasha thumps Wesley in the head and pushes him.

Tasha: You are so full of yourself Wesley! You could have just said that you didn’t think it was a good idea. Now I see that you are obviously feeling Gabrielle!

Wesley pushes her and she hits her head on the corner of their dresser. Tasha’s forehead is bleeding and she starts to cry.

Wesley: Oh Shit! I’m so sorry baby…oh my God. I’m sorry.

Tasha (crying): You are sorry Wesley. But, not as sorry as you’re going to be.

Tasha rushes down the stairs, grabs her purse and her keys.

Wesley: Where are you going?

Tasha: Get out of my way Wesley! I’m going to get away from you!

Tasha slams the door and goes to her car. She sits in the parking lot and looks at her forehead in the rearview mirror. She cranks the car, and opens her cell phone.

Ring, ring, ring…

Gabrielle: Gabrielle Silver speaking.

Tasha: Gabby this is Tasha. We need to talk….

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Season Two Premiere..."Two Weddings and a Heartbreak"

It is a busy day at CraveMag. Pamela Jones a renowned author and poet will be on the August cover and the entire magazine staff is a buzz. Aletha is overseeing all the details. She is in what she likes to call “power mode”. She has created a strict timeline for the photo shoot and interview. She is shouting orders to the interns from her office.

Aletha: Carroway! Carroway!

Carol Leigh: My name is Carol Leigh. How can I help you?

Aletha: Oh, I’m sorry. Carol Leigh, how long have you been interning for me?

Carol Leigh: 3 months Mrs. Hill.

Aletha: Would you like to fill the vacant Assistant position here at CraveMag?

Carol Leigh: I would love to!

Aletha: Well, correct me again and you will never get the chance. Now, I need you to go down to the green room and ensure that Ms. Jones’ requirements have been met. Here is a copy of her rider. Make sure that nothing is left off of that list.

Carol Leigh mumbles something under her breath.

Aletha: That had better be a prayer that you’re mumbling! Close my door!

Carol Leigh gently closes the door and runs off to complete her task. Aletha hears the door knob turn as she is looking out the window.

Aletha: I said close my door!

Peyton: So, “power mode” has you this worked up? I don’t want to see “super power mode”!

Aletha: Oh, my God baby. What are you doing here? I can’t meet you for lunch today. Pamela Jones will…

Peyton: I know, she’ll be here tomorrow and you’ve got so much to do. That’s why I brought some sushi and miso soup for you. I’m actually on my way to the zoo.

Aletha walks over and kisses Peyton.

Aletha: I forgot all about the zoo! I’m so excited it for you…my little Black vet.

Aletha’s boss Mr. Phillip walks into her office. He is a very handsome man in his mid 40s. He has dark olive skin, grey eyes and wavy salt and pepper hair. He stands about 6’ 6” tall with a muscular build and a wide toothy smile.

Mr. Phillip: Well, Ms. Hill, who have we here? Is there an animal feature in the August issue?

Peyton smiles because she is wearing her Cravencrest Zoo Hospital lab jacket.

Peyton: No, I’m Peyton, I’m Aletha’s…

Aletha: Good friend! Yes, she’s a very good friend who was kind enough to stop by and bring a weary soul some lunch.

Peyton looks at Aletha with disbelief. Her feelings are hurt.

Mr. Phillip: I see. Well isn’t that sweet? Ms. Hill, I was just stopping by to make sure you were and I were still on for dinner. I miss my favorite dinner companion.

Peyton: Well, that’s my cue, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to discuss your dinner plans.

Mr. Phillip: Okay, it was nice meeting you!

Aletha:  Peyton...wait!

Peyton walks out and slams the door. She walks to the elevator and breaks down in tears.


It is 8:45pm and the sun is creating a colorful light show in the sky as it makes room for the moon. The air is thick with the scent of magnolia flowers that have been bathing in the summer heat. Paper bag luminaries are placed in the plush grass in the shape of a circle. Fire torches are lined up to create an aisle leading to the circle of warmth. Fire flies are dancing on the slight night breeze creating an atmosphere of subtle passion and overt romance. Marlon and Ashlyn are standing in the midst of this beauty.

Marlon is dressed in a cream, French cuffed shirt with a cream linen vest, golden pocket square, cream linen pants and bare feet. Ashlyn is wearing a golden lace, mermaid style dress with a deep dip in the back. The underlay is nude making it appear as though she is swathed in gold. Her hair is swept up in a bun with tendrils falling on her face. She is wearing small pearl studs and minimal make-up.

Their 25 guests are seated around them all dressed in hues of cream and gold.

After the couple exchanges vows and lights the unity candle they share a loving embrace. As the 6 piece band begins to play “One in a Million” the couple kisses and walks down the aisle.

Everyone is holding sparklers as the ceremony space is converted into a reception space. The bar is open and all in attendance are lively and excited for the newly weds.

Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge: Congratulations!

The four of them embrace.

Mrs. Talmadge: Please take care of baby chick. She’s been through so much and I just want happiness for her.

Marlon: I promise.

Mr. Talmadge: Son, I’ve grown to like you a lot. But, I’ll kill you if you hurt baby chick.

Marlon: Yes sir I understand.

Mr. Talmadge: No seriously…I will have you killed.

Ashlyn: Daddy!

Marlon: You both have my complete and undying respect and love. I promise I will be the best husband for Ashlyn. I give you my word. God brought her to me and I will do everything I can to keep her happy.

Ashlyn looks down at her ring and back at still hasn't sunk in that she is Mrs. Jamison.

Valencia: Congratulations Mrs. Jamison!

Ashlyn: Thank you girl! How have you been? I haven’t seen you since you left the shop. How is that bun in there?

Valencia: Well, Sophie will be here in a month and a half. She’s a kicker so, mommy is ready for her to come out!

Marlon: Excuse me ladies, I’m going to say hello to some of our guests.

Valencia:  Oh, okay...congrats again Marlon.

Ashlyn: Okay baby, I'll catch up in a minute! Wait girl…is that a ring on your finger? Are you engaged? Drexel is making it official! I see you Ms. Thang!

Valencia: Actually I’m married.

Ashlyn: What! Y’all are quick!

Valencia: Yeah, it’s Mrs. Crixus now.

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Season One Finale..."It has Everything to do with Us"

We begin this episode at the home of Drexel and Valencia…

Knock, knock…

Valencia: Baby can you get that? I’m trying to sign up for our Target registry.

Drexel: Target? You’re going to have our baby wearing Target stuff? I don’t know about that.

Drexel opens the door and looks around. No one is there. He looks down and sees a large envelope with Valencia spelled out in large, red letters. He picks it up and walks out onto the porch to see if anyone is nearby. Satisfied that there is no one there he starts to open the envelope.

Valencia: Hey baby! Who was it?

Drexel: Uh, no one…just those bad ass kids playing “nigga knock”. I’m going to go check the mail, I’ll be right back.

Valencia: Okay!

Drexel reaches inside of the envelope and pulls out a letter on “Carlso, Cape and Crixus” letter head.

It reads:


Ever since you came to my office that day I have been trying to figure out how to deal with this situation. When you approached me for the money to have an abortion, I was dealing with Marlon and then Ashlyn showed up. I was angry and upset. I am truly sorry to have treated you so cold. I miss being able to unburden myself to you. You were always a good listener and I never felt like you were judging me. That night that we made love, I must admit, that I was fully aware of what I was doing. I wasn’t drunk. I know I have done some despicable things in my life. For some reason, you make me feel like I need to be a new man…a good man.

I know you have a man but, I promise you I will spend the rest of my life trying to win your love and trust. I have already established a trust for our child…no strings attached.

Please forgive me…I’m sorry and I love you.

- P.C.

Drexel is crying as he reads the letter. He is so surprised that Valencia has had an affair. He can’t understand why she would do this to him. He starts to slowly walk towards the house. The letter is clinched in his fist. He pushes the front door open….

Drexel (crying loudly): How could you do this to me? I gave you everything I had. I opened my life up to you and you stepped all over me! How could you do this?

Valencia is caught off guard by Drexel’s tears. She has never seen him cry. She notices a letter in his hand and see’s the Carlson, Cape and Crixus logo on it. She immediately realizes that he knows about Patrick and she is devastated.

Valencia: I’m sorry Drexel! I had only been with you and I thought that I needed to see what else was out there. I realized instantly that you’re the only one for me. Please don’t leave me! We need you!

Drexel’s upset turns into rage. He walks over to her and stands one inch away from her face.

Drexel: “We”? Who is “We” Valencia? I don’t know what you are doing and I don’t know who you are. If I were a lesser man, I would whoop your ass. Since I am a good, God fearing man…you have until the end of next month to figure out where you and that child you’re carrying is going to stay.

He picks up his keys from the coffee table and walks out of the house…

We venture to Tasha and Wesley’s apartment. Gabrielle has just proposed that Silver Records plan Tasha and Wesley’s wedding. She has been put out of the apartment by Wesley but, not before she kisses him and leaves traces of her lipstick.

Tasha: Can you believe that bitch? Wesley is that lipstick on your lips?

Wesley immediately wipes his lips and walks toward the bathroom. Tasha follows him.

Tasha: Did you hear what I said? Is that lipstick?

Wesley: Look, Gabby kissed me. She has been after me for I don’t know how long. I don’t want her and you know that!

Tasha: I didn’t say that you did want her. You have got to check her before I get really ignorant and your record deal goes bye-bye.

Wesley: Can’t we just press rewind and start this day over? I just want to forget that she was even here. Weren’t you showing me some dresses?

Tasha: I can’t just get past it Wesley. I don’t know how we’re going to make it with Silver Records butting into our lives whenever they feel the urge. Now, promise me you’ll stop it now before it gets bad.

Wesley walks over to Tasha, wraps his arms around her waist and whispers into her ear…

Wesley: I promise…

We find Ashlyn sipping a frozen green tea at Cup and Book…

Ashlyn is reading “The Bluest Eye” on her Kindle and people watching. She is enjoying a Sunday away from the Salon. She dressed in a flowing maxi dress, golden roman sandals and gold rimmed shades.

Marlon: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Ashlyn looks up over the rim of her glasses and sighs.

Ashlyn: Are you stalking me? What are you doing here?

Marlon: What? You think you’re the only one that enjoys the coffee house scene? I can hardly breathe without my afternoon hot chocolate.

Ashlyn: Uh huh.

Marlon: Uh huh what?

Ashlyn: Anyway. So today is our one month anniversary. You had me meet you at the Cup and Book for what? So I can watch you drink hot chocolate in the summer time?

She smiles.

Marlon: Well, I know that we met under dishonest conditions but, obviously everything happens for a reason. So, I asked you here to the Cup and Book to give you…well a book.

Marlon slides a book across the table. Ashlyn picks up the book and sees that it is actually a journal. There is one entry written on the first page. She reads it and a single tear slides down the contours of her face. She touches the words and reads them out loud.

Ashlyn: Dishonesty lead me to you…honesty will keep me forever chained to your side.

Marlon: You like it?

Ashlyn: I love it! This is so sweet Marlon.

Marlon: And I love you.

Sandra just told Gregory that she has herpes. She is sitting on a bench in the middle of the mall crying.  Peyton and Camille are so surprised but, they are silent...they don't know what to say...

Camille:  Sand...are you alright?  What did he say?

Peyton:  Forget what he said...let's talk about what you said!  Do you have herpes for real?

Sandra sniffles, looks up at Peyton and starts to cry again.

Peyton:  Well do you? 

Camille looks over at Peyton to let her know that she's being insensitive.  Peyton touches Sandra's shoulder and apologizes.

Sandra:  I have herpes but, I didn't have it last year before I started seeing Greg.  I got tested for the Black Student Union's "Know Your Status" drive and they called me three days ago and said that I had it.  Greg has been the ONLY one.  I can't believe he gave me a disease and now he's lying to me about everything!  I just want to die!

Aletha is standing behind them.  She's been listening for some time. Peyton looks up and sees her standing there.  Peyton walks over and starts whispering to Aletha.

Aletha:  What's going on?  I thought you would have come to meet me by now. 

Peyton:  Well it turns out that Sandra was seeing Gregory...for the past year.  She said that he had been telling her that he couldn't have her over because you were always there.  He gave her that excuse not 15 minutes ago and she's upset.  She also found out that she has herpes and she said that he was the only one that she'd been with so, he had to have been the one to give it to her.

Aletha:  Damn.  Yeah, he has it.

Peyton:  What do you mean? 

Aletha:  He's had it ever since I've known him.

Peyton:  I can't believe you have it?

Aletha:  No, I get routinely tested and thank God, I'm in the clear.

Peyton:  I wish you would have told me.

Aletha:  Told you for what?  That has nothing to do with us.

Peyton:  Aletha, it has everything to do with us...

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Are You Lying?

We resume this episode at High Point Mall…

Peyton: I understand how y’all could feel like that.

Camille: Wait a minute I recognize your girlfriend…isn’t that Professor Hill’s wife?

Sandra: My man?

Both Peyton and Camille turn around and look at Sandra with shocked looks on their faces.

Peyton and Camille: YOUR man?!?

Sandra: Yes, my man. I have been seeing him for a year now.

Camille: You never told me that Sandra. Why are you dating a Professor? You know how much drama you could have gotten caught up in?

Peyton: Yeah, I know we haven’t talked since May but, we talked every two weeks before then and you never mentioned Professor Hill.

Sandra: Well, for your information ladies, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to be judged. I knew the risks involved and frankly, it made our affair more passionate and enticing. He loves me though and he’s leaving that bitch that you call your girlfriend.

Camille: Wait a minute Sandy! You are way out of line! That was cold.

Peyton: Hold on Sandra. Obviously they’re not together anymore, Aletha and I just moved into a condo together.

Sandra: First of all, what do you mean y’all moved in together? He is always getting off the phone because she’s around. I can’t even go to his house because she’s always there!

Peyton: No she’s not Sandra. She and I are always together. Seems like Gregory Hill is pulling the wool over your eyes!

Sandra: Oh my God. I’ve been so stupid. I just assumed everything was fine because he told me…

Peyton: What? That they had an open relationship? They did. But, that also means that he isn’t going to commit to anyone else. He and I were on the Variety Show committee together. He propositioned me and I fell for his charm and the music room. Justice caught us making out. I was scared as hell. Then Aletha came home and shut it down! I can hardly believe that’s how she and I started.

Sandra: He had a birthday party? His birthday was six months ago and he never said anything to me about a party! What the hell is going on here? Uh, uh…I’m calling him.

Camille: Just let it go Sandy. You know he’s a mess so, just leave him alone.

Sandra: No! I need to set him straight.

Ring, ring, ring….

Gregory (In a sleepy tone): Hello

Sandra: Greg.

Gregory: Hey babe, I was just taking a nap.

Sandra: I’m sorry to wake you.

Gregory: It’s okay. Want me to come over? We can have a nice Friday evening together.

Sandra: That sounds good baby but, my place is a mess. Let me come over there.

Gregory: No, no, Aletha is here with some of her girlfriends. It wouldn’t be a good scene.

Sandra becomes enraged. She knows Gregory is lying and she is heartbroken that he would lie to her.

Sandra: No what wouldn’t be a good scene is me coming over there and going upside your head! I just saw your wife here at the mall Greg! Why are you lying? I told you I loved you! We have unprotected sex! I graded your papers and picked up your dry cleaning like a fool! Well guess what you bastard…I have herpes!

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

YOUR Man?!?

We begin this episode at High Point Mall. It is a Friday afternoon. The mall is seemingly filled to capacity with shoppers.

Sandra: Maybe we should have gone to another mall. It’s packed in here!

Camille: Yeah, but it would have taken us forever to go somewhere else plus, this mall has an ALDO. I want to get those pumps I’ve been looking at.

Sandra: I guess it’s okay. Let’s not go in any store where we see some bad ass kids!

A kid runs by Sandra and brushes against her leg.

Sandra: Hey, little boy! Watch where you’re going! Dang!

Camille: Girl, chill out. He’s just a kid.

Sandra: I know, but, he is out of control running in here. This is not a playground! See what I’m saying? Packed mall equals bad ass kids!

The ladies walk into H&M and start browsing.

Camille: Look at this dress! It’s absolutely beautiful and it’s only $14.99. This will go perfect with those earrings I bought from You think it would look good on me?

Sandra: Why don’t you try it on and see?

Camille: ‘Cause I HATE trying on clothes! Just give me your opinion Sandra.

Sandra: Nope! You need to try it on and see for yourself. I’m tired of going with you to the store because you bought something that doesn’t fit and you need to take it back. Just eliminate all that and try the damn dress on!

Camille: You don’t have to be so testy…geez!

Sandra: Yes I do because you don’t listen! I’ve got some things to try on. Let’s go together c’mon.

The ladies are walking towards the dressing room when…

Camille: (In a whisper) Sandra! Sandra! Look is that Peyton hugged up with a chick?

Sandra: (In a loud voice) Peyton? Hugged up with a chick? Where?

Camille: Shhhh! Damn girl! You are so loud!

Sandra spots her and immediately starts walking over toward Peyton.

Sandra: Hey Peyton! How are you?

Peyton: Hi Sandra. How are you? How is life after school?

Sandra: It’s great. I can barely figure out what to do with myself with no classes! I’m going right back to Bontemps for my MBA. Anyway, enough about me.  Aren’t you going to introduce me?

Peyton: Oh! I’m so sorry! Aletha Hill, meet Sandra Temple we were room mates our freshman year at Bontemps.

The two women shake hands and smile.
Camille: Hi Peyton, how you doing?

Peyton and Camille hug.

Peyton: Camille! It’s so good to see you when did you get back?

Camille: I’ve been here for about a month now. Spain was beautiful. I missed home though.

Peyton: Aletha baby, this is my sorority sister, Camille. We were on line together our sophomore year. I was number 1 and she was the tail, number 3. 

Aletha: Peyton, I’m going to go into Dillards. Meet me there when you finish. Okay? Ladies excuse me, it was nice meeting you!

Sandra and Camille: Nice meeting you!

Aletha walks away towards Dillards. Her platform sandals are making a clicking noise on the tile floors of the mall. Camille and Sandra stare at her as she walks away.

Camille: She is really fly.  Those shoes are hot!

Sandra:  Yeah....sooooo....

Peyton: Let me clear the white elephant out of the room. Yes, I am dating a woman. I am very happy and I don’t care what anybody thinks. My parents are dead and I don’t have anyone but, God to answer to. If you want to be in my life I suggest you don’t judge me or, our friendships will cease to exist.

Camille: I didn’t know you were gay Peyton. I’m sorry if I’m coming off as abrasive I was just caught off guard.

Sandra: I think that goes double for me.

Peyton: I understand how y’all could feel like that.

Camille: Wait a minute I recognize your girlfriend…isn’t that Professor Hill’s wife?

Sandra: My man?

Both Peyton and Camille turn around and look at Sandra with shocked looks on their faces.

Peyton and Camille: YOUR man?!?

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All You Care About is Yourself!

We begin this episode in the waiting room of Hale Memorial Hospital. Ashlyn is sitting in the waiting room playing Sudoku on her cell phone. She feels anxious and upset. She is trying to figure out what to say to Drexel when he arrives.

Nurse: Ashlyn Davis?

Ashlyn: Yes, that’s me. Is Valencia okay?

Nurse: You may come see her now.

Ashlyn realizes that the nurse did not answer her question and follows the nurse down the stark white corridor to Valencia’s room. Hospitals make her uneasy. She is mentally preparing herself for the worse case scenario.

The nurse gently knocks on the door before coming in. She walks over to the large windows and lets some light into Valencia’s room.

Valencia is looking pale but, she is awake. She is staring at the photo of a mother holding her child at the beach. A single tear is falling down her cheek.

Nurse: She is still weak. We want to keep her stress level down. She and the baby are fine. She just needs to keep ingesting fluids. She was dehydrated. I need you to continue to lay on your side so we can monitor the baby’s heart.

Valencia: (she sniffles) Okay.

Ashlyn: Thank you nurse. Val, are you alright?

Valencia: Ashlyn I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he was your husband at first and then he told me and…

Ashlyn: Calm down. No stress remember? You’ve got a baby to protect.

Valencia wipes her face and sits up in the bed.

Valencia: Didn’t you just tell me to get an abortion? Hell, you were right. Before you all came, I told him about the baby and he acted so cold. I’m so embarrassed and ashamed. I only slept with him because Drexel is the only man I had ever been with and I just wanted to feel like I had experienced life a little. I met Patrick in a bookstore and I started talking to him on the phone. He didn’t tell me about you or him being gay until AFTER we had sex. He said that he had a vasectomy so, we didn’t use protection. When he told me about his firm, I looked on the website and everything, I just thought surely this man is legit…I can trust him. Stupid huh?

Ashlyn: Yes, it was stupid. So was marrying a man I had known for only 24 hours. People like him prey on women like us. We displayed a vulnerability that he was able to pick up on. I was mad at Dennis…I mean Patrick. It’s like he has had some hand in all the relationships in my life lately and I just got fed up. I’m sorry I said that you should abort the baby. Do you know for sure that it’s his?

She moves the hair out of Valencia’s face.

Valencia: No, I mean, sometimes Drex and I use protection but, that’s only when I’m in between birth control prescriptions. I guess it could be his…oh God! No matter how much I want to be excited, I can’t escape the fact that this could be Patrick’s child that I’m carrying. I love Drexel with all my heart and I don’t want him to leave me. I don’t think I can live a lie. The only other way is to have an abortion.  That's why I asked Patrick for the money.

Ashlyn: No, the alternative is to have a paternity test and take it from there.

Valencia’s room phone begins to ring.

Valencia: Ugh, who could be calling here? I’m too tired to talk. Would you answer for me?

Ashlyn: Valencia Marsh’s room.

Drexel: I’m at the Nurse’s desk. Will you tell them I can come see you please?

Nurse: Ma’am, I’m sorry but, I have to observe the HIPPA laws, I can’t just send him in there without your consent.

Ashlyn: Uh, it’s fine.

Nurse: Thank you. (She hangs up the phone)

Drexel gets the room number from the nurse and speed walks down the halls to Valencia’s room. He opens the door and Valencia is surprised.

Valencia: Drexel!

Drexel: Baby, I came as fast as I could, are you okay? What happened? Is our baby okay?

Valencia: We’re fine. I was just dehydrated. That’s all.

Drexel: Ashlyn thank you so much for calling me. Oh, baby…I hate to see you like this.

He pulls up a chair to sit beside her bed. He hears the baby’s heart beat.

Drexel: Is that the baby? Man. His little heartbeat is so strong.

He smiles and kisses Valencia’s forehead.

Ashlyn: Well, I’ll let you lovebirds have your time. Val, don’t worry about the shop. I’ll take your clients. Get your rest and we’ll see you soon.

Just as Ashlyn is walking out of the room, Patrick is approaching. She quickly closes the door and stops Patrick from entering.

Ashlyn: First you don’t care and now you want to see her? No.

Patrick: Step aside Ashlyn! I deserve to see the mother of my child.

Ashlyn:  You can't just come to someone's room!  How did you know where her room was?

Patrick:  I said I was sorry.  I understand that you're angry.  I know where her room was because she texted it to me.  She said to tell them that she was my wife.

Ashlyn:  You are so full of shit Patrick.  I have had her phone the entire time.  You lied your way back here.
You are as crazy as the days are long! She is in there with her man who thinks that it’s HIS child.  A man who will proctect and nuture her and that baby! Leave them alone. You know you don’t want to be a father. Let them have their happiness.

Patrick: I was upset when I turned her away. I genuinely care about her!

Ashlyn: You care about her?  Really?  You're such a liar.  All you care about is yourself!

Copyright © 2010 Cravencrest. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.